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Can you take mushrooms while pregnant?

Can you take mushrooms while pregnant?

2024 November 27 | Leren
Can you eat mushrooms during pregnancy? Mushrooms are often questionable, after all, as a society we don't know them as well as plants. In the case of classic forest and cultivated...
Immune system - Microbiota (part 2)

Immune system - Microbiota (part 2)

2024 November 10 | Leren
Microbiota or microbiome is a group of microorganisms living in a given environment, creating their own ecosystem. It is the center from which a wide range of processes taking place in...
Cold showers - health effects, hormesis effect, body immunity

Cold showers - health effects, hormesis effect, body immunity

2024 October 21 | Leren
Cold showers and baths appear in medical, popular science, and even pop culture sources. Various people from both the scientific world and beyond (even some athletes, travelers, and celebrities) recommend...
Sleep Medicine - Circadian Rhythm Disorders and Ways to Improve Nighttime Regeneration

Sleep Medicine - Circadian Rhythm Disorders and Ways to Improve Nighttime Regeneration

2024 September 16 | Leren
Sleep and circadian rhythm disorders Despite the growing awareness of the role of the right amount and quality of sleep, it is still one of the most neglected and often...
Immune system - types of threats and mechanisms of action (part 1)

Immune system - types of threats and mechanisms of action (part 1)

2024 August 05 | Leren
The immune system is one of the most important systems of the human body and at the same time one of the most complex . It consists of organs, vessels and...
Reishi - The Extraordinary Properties of the King of Medicinal Mushrooms

Reishi - De buitengewone eigenschappen van de koning onder de geneeskrachtige paddenstoelen

2024 March 24 | Leren
De eerste indruk verschijnt al op de tong. Een opvallend bittere smaak kan erop wijzen dat je te maken hebt met Reishi – de koning onder de medicinale paddenstoelen. Om dit te voelen...
The Authenticity of Solve Labs Mushrooms

The Authenticity of Solve Labs Mushrooms

2024 November 24 | Mushrooms

Although the very effectiveness of Solve Labs mushrooms has given us the trust of thousands of satisfied customers, we still decided to conduct innovative tests to dispel all doubts.

Lion's Mane – A Star Among Medicinal Mushrooms

Lion's Mane – Een ster onder de geneeskrachtige paddenstoelen

2024 August 04 | Mushrooms
Lion's Mane is een eetbare, smakelijke paddenstoel met wordt al eeuwenlang gebruikt als gerecht en medicijn in oosterse culturen. Leeuwenmanen is een parasitaire schimmel die groeit op...
Beta-d-Glucan - The Most Important Polysaccharide in Functional Mushrooms

Beta-d-Glucan - Het belangrijkste polysacharide in functionele paddenstoelen

2024 July 17 | Mushrooms
One of the most confusing areas in the context of mushroom products is the issue of standardising the extract for polysaccharide content. People who start their adventure with supplementation with functional mushrooms...
How does Chaga work. The Longevity Mushroom

Hoe werkt Chaga? De Levensduurpaddestoel

2024 April 24 | Mushrooms

Chaga, or sub-cortex (Inonotus obliquus), is also known by names such as boar or birch hub. It belongs to the bristly family (Hymenochetaceae). It grows wild, mainly on birch trunks, on which it forms perennial fruiting bodies...

Cordyceps Sinesis - Health Properties

Cordyceps Sinensis - Gezondheidseigenschappen

2024 March 05 | Mushrooms
Cordyceps is een soort schimmel die op verschillende breedtegraden groeit. De meest populaire is de soort die in Azië groeit: Cordyceps Sinensis. Het werd voor het eerst beschreven in 1843 en merkte toen op...