Hongos – tagged "All"

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Beta-d-Glucan - The Most Important Polysaccharide in Functional Mushrooms

Beta-d-Glucan: el polisacárido más importante de los hongos funcionales

2024 July 17 | Hongos
One of the most confusing areas in the context of mushroom products is the issue of standardising the extract for polysaccharide content. People who start their adventure with supplementation with functional mushrooms...
How does Chaga work. The Longevity Mushroom

¿Cómo funciona Chaga El hongo de la longevidad

2024 April 24 | Hongos

Chaga, or sub-cortex (Inonotus obliquus), is also known by names such as boar or birch hub. It belongs to the bristly family (Hymenochetaceae). It grows wild, mainly on birch trunks, on which it forms perennial fruiting bodies...

Cordyceps Sinesis - Health Properties

Cordyceps Sinensis - Propiedades para la salud

2024 March 05 | Hongos
Cordyceps es un tipo de hongo que crece en diferentes latitudes. La más popular es la especie que crece en Asia: Cordyceps Sinensis. Fue descrito por primera vez en 1843, notándose entonces...